Business Case Studies, Operations Management Case Study, Siva Gabbita, Dontanpalli Operation II

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Operations Management Case Study

Case Title:

Siva Gabbita’s Dontanpalli Operation II

Publication Month and Year : December 2009

Authors: Siva V. Gabbita

Industry: General Business

Region: India

Case Code: OM0035

Teaching Note: Available

Structured Assignment: Available


The objective before Siva Gabbita is to deliver a standardised OM course content broken up into 33 specific sessions. He considered the whole system as production process and the raw material that has to be moulded into high quality finished goods are the students. The Suppliers for the process are the academic department, administration department, library, photocopying shop, etc. Siva adopts a philosophy of continuous and forced problem solving that keeps trying to drive out waste from the system known as JIT. The goal of JIT is to speed up throughput and allow faster delivery times and thereby reducing inventory buildups. The concept behind JIT is that of a pull system: A system that pulls a unit to where it is needed just as it is needed as opposed to a push system, a system that produces and dumps output to customers.

Pedagogical Objectives:

      This case study may be used to understand:
  • Lean Manufacturing/Just in Time
  • Elimination of Waste
  • JIT implementation techniques.

Keywords : Operations Management, Throughout Time, Working Performance, Inventory Control, Inventory Control Technique, Process Improvement, Order Quantity, Ordering Cost, Holding Costs, Worker Performance Rating, Mormal Time, Standard Time


  • The Rhythm/Beat/Takt
  • Siva's Objective
  • The Production Process
  • Waste Reduction
  • Pull vs Push
  • JIT
  • Variability Reduction
  • JIT Partnerships
  • Why is it difficult to develop these relationships with suppliers?

  • Skeptical of JIT partnerships?
  • JIT Requires
  • JIT Layout
  • JIT Inventory
  • Scheduling
  • Employee Empowerment
  • Which Results in
  • Which Yields

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